Winners Circle
3 min readSep 21, 2021


Who Is Zhuric? : A Deep Dive Into A Esports Manager

Zhuric is an eighteen-year-old Esports & talent manager from Chicago, Illinois, United States,
working with top-tier organizations & professional players alike.
He has gained quite a hefty reputation
for his dedication and success in the industry,
He has also become a community favorite for
his charismatic personality
& passion often expressed publically through his
social media accounts
Zhuric has always shown results & proven himself in
every organization he has worked for, whether that be
through obtaining partners
building rosters, or his dynamic content production skills.

When asked how he feels
about his success, and what's pushing him to continue trying to
reach the top of this industry he stated :

“I feel like I’ve just started, and still have a long ways to go, and so many more achievements to accomplish, & what's pushing me forward? honestly, all of the people who have doubted me along the way just got to prove them wrong”

One of Zhuric’s largest accomplishments in the Esports industry is his partnership with DoorDash Inc the largest food delivery service company in the United States. This was a massive step in AKA’s community-building process.

We asked Zhuric what he would say to any
aspiring Esports manager being doubted out there

“Keep doing you, don't care about what anyone says they are jealous”

The Esports industry is a rapidly expanding and incredibly competitive market, with so many managers in the industry. What makes Zhuric think he can beat the competition and reach the top?
Well, I asked him and he stated :

“I've single-handedly changed how the industry views sponsorships with my journey with AKA and DoorDash. Now companies are looking to bring in sponsorships that are not gaming-related at all. Before DoorDash all were only into things such as Gfuel, keyboard companies, gaming chair companies, etc, now they have broadened their view because of what has happened with me and DoorDash in the past. Owners from TNA, OA, Endless, Assault, Devour, and many more top companies in the industry have reached out to me personally for help. I believe that I have done it before I can easily do it again. That's what makes me unique”
While I will say he surely had an impact
on a smaller less knowledgeable demographic in the industry,
he did not “Change how the industry views sponsorships”
many other mid to high-tier organizations
have been partnering with companies outside of
Esports and gaming for years.

Zhuric’s social media icon & logo
Zhuric’s Social Media Icon & Logo

There are millions of people pushing for success in the gaming industry only, the most dedicated & hard-working individuals
make it due to its
competitive nature.
Zhuric believes he has what it
takes to set himself apart
and reach the top of the Esports industry, but only time will tell where he lands.



Winners Circle

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